Píosaí liom in áiteanna eile:


An Dá Chanóin

I bhforlíonadh san Irish Times maidir le Átha Cliatha a bheith ina chathair litríochta, d'fhiafraigh Mary O'Malley:

Ours is a dual canon, whichever language we write in and lip-service is no service at all. There is a powerful message in exclusion. I have mentioned here only a few particulars to illustrate a question: will Dublin rejoice and celebrate its writers in one or two languages? And if two, I will be the first to visit the Richmond Hospital, the Mount Jerome Cemetary and the place on Howth Head where a manuscript of a novel entitled An Fear might, or might not have been buried.
Is eagal liom go bhfuil freagra a ceiste le fáil ar an suíomh úd "Leagan Gaeilge ar fáil go luath". Is léir go síleann literati an Bhéarla gur aguisín í an Ghaeilge agus a litríocht. Ainneoin ailt fiúntacha mar seo, agus saothar daoine fearacht Declan Kiberd.

Ach b'fhéidir gur orainn féin cuid den locht?