Píosaí liom in áiteanna eile:


Pointí Breise don nGaeilge san Ardteist

Foilsíodh litir liomsa san Times inniu, ag freagairt ailt ó dé Máirt.

Fágadh dhá abairt - na cinn i gcló trom thíos - ar lár. N'fheadar cén fáth?

Dear Sir,
I agree with your correspondent that there is something bogus about bonus points for those that do Leaving Cert subjects through Irish. (TO BE HONEST 7/2/2012)
However, what is bogus is not that these points are granted. It is why they are granted.
Your correspondent acknowledges that completing an exam such as history in Irish is challenging.
It is. Despite the ongoing, very welcome,  efforts of COGG, my children still have to use textbooks in English for many subjects.
And any auxiliary information - library books, newspaper articles, and so on, are also only available in English.
So that using their home language is a disadvantage to them. Rather than systematically addressing the lack of schoolbooks in Irish, the Department of Education avoids its responsibility towards Irish Language education by offering these bonus points.

Aguisín: Ní bhfuair mé an t-eolas faoin dtaighde seo maidir le tionchar na bpointí go dtí i ndiaidh dom mo litir a sheoladh.