Bhí an chéad cheann de sraith 2025 léachtaí poiblí Institiúid Ard-Léinn Bhaile Átha Cliath ar siúl tráthnóna Déardaoin.
Thug an tOllamh James Mallory caint éadromchroíoch eolgaiseach ar na scoláirí a thosaigh ag treabhadh goirt an léinn Cheiltigh, dochtúirí ina n-am saor formhór acu. Agus na constaic a bhí rompu roimh teacht ar míniú ciallmhar agus soiléir ar ghaol na Gaeilge agus Cuimrise leis na teangacha Ind-Eorpaise eile.
Constaic inmheánach agus seachtrach. Litriúileachas Bíoblata a d'fhág creideamh daingin gur sliocht Magog mac Iafat mac Naoi daonra iarthar Eoraip. Agus aineolas faoi forbairt fuaimeanna. Agus foclóirí lochtacha.
Thug sé uraiceacht ar dea-chleachtas PowerPoint freisin! Léiriú agus breis eolais orthu seachas pointí le léamh amach.
Bhí dlús eolas sa chaint. Táim cinnte gur lean an caibidil ar aghaidh ag an bhfáiltiú, ach bhrostaigh mise liom chuig Féile fuaime COBÁC.
Pictet's Letter of 1860 to the Ulster Journal of Archaeology on the absence of an authoritative Irish dictionary:
And what do you wait for? Is there any want of means ? With such men as Curry, O'Donovan, Stokes, Siegfried, &c., you have all that is necessary for the work. The Royal Irish Academy is surely in a good position to give the impulse. I cannot believe that the question of money can be any obstacle: an appeal to lrish patriotism would surely provide the necessary funds. All further delays are injurious. The old relics of your language are disappearing , year after year, from accidents, carelessness, fire, or damp. How many irreparable losses have taken place during the last two or three centuries! Preserve at least what still remains, by condensing the substance of them in a Thesaurus, if the means are not forthcoming for publishing them in a complete form. Even if not for the sake of national self-love, you are called on to do so lest you should be anticipated by some foreigner. Zeuss, a German, has already snatched from the hands of your scholars the glory of having raised Celtic philology to the level of modern science. But Zeuss, as far as the ancient Gaelic is concerned, has only explored continental sources of information : and it will be for you to complete his work by the aid of those rich native stores which you still possess.
The first fascicle of the DIL was published 57 years later in 1913 (by a Norwegian)
Táim fíorbhuíoch de Elizabeth Boyle as m'aird a dhíriú ar an sraith. Faraor, beidh mé as baile dá léacht sise.